Monday, June 13, 2011

More baby gifts

Baby boo's nursery is really starting to come together. She received the prettiest rug from John and Juanita this weekend. It's from pottery barn kids and in the words of "The Big Lebowski", it really does tie the room together. Thanks so much for the rug. It's beautiful!
We got the light colored one that's on top. It's awesome! I'll post photo's of it in the nursery asap.

Baby gifts

Well it was a big weekend for baby boo. She received some great gifts from family. Pops and Kathy got her a new car seat, stroller and baby swing. They all had very high consumer ratings and reviews. So rest assure, she'll be safe and riding in style. Thanks so much for these great gifts. Baby boo thanks you too.

Friday, June 3, 2011


It's been a terribly long week. I'm glad it's coming to an end. I feel like I haven't seen Christine or my baby for a while. I did get to hang with them a little last night. Christine said she felt baby boo kicking so put my hand on her belly and felt nothing. I asked baby boo to give me a good kick, and she did! Looks like she is already a daddy's girl.