Monday, May 9, 2011

Baby's new furniture

my mom got her grand-daughter a gift that keeps on giving. she kindly bought her a crib that converts into a toddler bed and twin sized bed. she also bought her a beautiful matching dresser that should last until she can buy furniture of her own (as far as i'm concerned anyway). they both are really modern and made by a Canadian company called Mother Hubbard's. they are made from Canadian maple and stained in a dark expresso color. i'll post actual photo's of them when we finally put the crib together and as the nursery develops. i found the above image on the internet, so it's not our actual crib. but you'll get the idea. Thanks mom! Baby boo thanks you too!

1 comment:

  1. Nice "cage" Corey; what are you expecting, an AMC show?!!!!
