Thursday, May 12, 2011

She's active!

Over the pregnancy I placed my hand on Christine's stomach in hope of sharing the movements she continues to feel, only to be let down. I keep hoping that I'll place my hand on her stomach and baby will do a huge kick as if she knows her daddy is there and wanting to communicate with her. Finally, over the last few days, I've been able to feel the baby move for the first time. And it was as cool as I had hoped for. I felt two really strong kicks or summer salts last night. And then two more when we were going to bed. It's really cool to finally experience a piece of the pregnancy. Although it does remind me a little of the chestbursters from the movie Aliens. Fortunately, I think our kid will be a lot cuter, and hopefully not have acid for blood.

1 comment:

  1. Mom, well poor Christine will get more and more harder kicks. I remember how you kicked me at work. It kind of scared me because it was weird seeing my stomach move off to the side. Please have empathy with her.
    Willie, that's OK. Even acid for blood is sweet
    in your own baby.
